
Song Lyrics Now Available     



The website finally has the song lyrics. 

They will be available via the music page section. To access them, click on the link next to the song you want to read.

I originally had a lyric section, but I felt this was better to be with the music itself

 MUSIC page 



E.p. tracks known     

The Drowning Man e.p. tracklist has finally been revealed.

There will be three tracks, and they are:

  • The Drowning Man
  • Creatures of the Night
  • Life passed me by

The ep is being recorded and is on time for an October release.


This e.p. will only be exclusively available from

or from this website ...... more news to follow

woman in man'S body single     



* * * IT'S OFFICIAL * * *

After all the controversy surrounding men/ women/ or whatever you are in society today. I felt it was the right time to (finally) release Woman in a Man's Body as a single.

This will be released prior to the release of the Drowning Man e.p., which will be available in October.

I wrote this song in 1996/7. Although it appeared on an earlier album, it was never released as a single.

* * * Zeek's views * * *

Let me set the record straight. I have my own views concerning this situation, but I will not air my views online. I don't care what you associate/ class yourself as, the word here is respect. If you respect me, then I assure you I will respect and support your stance in life.

* * * UPDATE * * *

Due to unforeseen circumstances, there will be a delay in the release of the single.

ZEEKtheFREAK apologises for this and has stated that it will be released ASAP.