


  ZEEK and burns night 


ZEEKtheFREAK appeared as My Celtic Faith at the annual Burns Night/ Micky* remembrance evening in Gunnery's Irish Pub Alkmaar Holland.
He played traditional Scottish songs, a few covers (eek!!!), and his own music.

* Micky was a close friend who lost his battle with cancer five years ago

** Woman in a Man's Body was written in 1997 and has received a make-over to fit society's situation today

  two years AFTER Zeek's operation  



It has been two years since Zeek had an operation to remove the cancer tumour located in his large intestines. But, the news is excellent as he is clear of the disease, and his blood levels are perfect. He knows that he will have to live the rest of his life with what he has, but that is a small price to pay when you consider circumstances could have been very different. Zeek cannot thank the medical staff in Alkmaar but also the cancer specialists in Amsterdam.